지상 태양광 시스템

태양 에너지 제품의 연구, 개발, 생산 및 판매에 전념하는 기업입니다.

Our ground-mounted PV racking systems are sturdy, height-adjustable, and straightforward to assemble, eliminating the need for on-site cutting. Ground-mounted solar panels enable you to achieve the optimal orientation (true south) and ideal tilt angle for maximizing solar energy production. Pre-punched holes in our beams facilitate neat and efficient wire management. Our system can be installed more rapidly and with less on-site equipment than other solutions.

We design utility-scale and commercial ground mounts to deliver peak performance in all soil types and weather conditions. To accommodate various ground conditions, we provide a wide range of foundation choices, including driven posts, helical piles, ground screws, and ballasted options. For large solar projects, our G series ground solar mounting systems provide an exceptional cost-benefit balance.

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