
Leon Solar Bracket BIPV Roof Mount System




準拠規格:AS/NZS1170.2、ユーロコード8、DIN 1055.IBC 2006


The Leon Solar Bracket BIPV Roof Mount System is a revolutionary solution for integrating photovoltaic technology into building structures, offering a multitude of uses, advantages, and selling points:

BIPV is designed to seamlessly integrate solar cells into building materials, such as roofs, facades, and windows, transforming them into energy-generating components. This integration not only provides structural integrity but also generates clean electricity, contributing to a building's energy efficiency.


This system is specifically designed to mount solar panels on rooftops while serving as a structural support, allowing buildings to generate their own electricity and achieve energy independence.


  1. Innovative Design: The BIPV (Building-Integrated Photovoltaics) technology seamlessly blends solar panels with the roof structure, enhancing both functionality and aesthetics.
  2. 耐久性: Made with high-quality materials, ensuring long-lasting performance and resistance to environmental factors.
  3. Space Efficiency: Maximizes the use of available roof space for solar energy generation without compromising on structural integrity.
  4. Eco-Friendly: Contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by utilizing renewable solar energy.
  5. Cost Savings: Offers significant savings on electricity bills over time and potential incentives for green building practices.

Selling Points:

  • Advanced Solar Technology: Utilizes state-of-the-art solar panels for maximum energy conversion efficiency.
  • Versatility in Installation: Suitable for various roof types and building designs, providing flexibility in application.
  • Easy Maintenance: Requires minimal upkeep due to robust construction and weather-resistant materials.
  • Safety Compliance: Adheres to strict safety standards, ensuring secure and reliable installation.
  • 美的統合: Blends harmoniously with building architecture, adding value to property aesthetics.

By incorporating these key features, the Leon Solar Bracket BIPV Roof Mount System stands out as a smart, sustainable, and economically viable choice for integrating solar power into buildings.

Technical Certification:

PV架台の主な認証と目的 PV架台の主な認証には以下のものがある:IEC 61730:PVモジュールとその架台の安全性と性能に関する規格。UL 1703:平板太陽電池モジュールとそのサポートに対する安全要求事項をカバー。CEマーキング:EUの健康、安全、環境保護規格に適合していることを示す。TUV認証:PV製品やシステムの品質と信頼性を証明。これらの認証は、PVマウントシステムが厳格な品質・安全基準を満たしていることを保証し、信頼性の高い性能と潜在的な危険からの保護を提供します。市場に受け入れられ、消費者の信頼を得るために極めて重要です。



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