
Roof triangular solar pv system

Application:flat roofs,ground.

Velocidad del viento: hasta 60 m/s


ow Load Rating: 1.4kn/㎡

Tilt Angle: 10-60°</p><p>Material: Aluminio de alta resistencia 6005-T5, acero inoxidable SUS304

Garantía: 10 años


Conformidad:AS/NZS1170.2,Euro Code 8, DIN 1055.IBC 2006


The metal roof solar moungting system is a versatile and robust solar mounting solution designed for installation on various roof types, including corrugated iron surfaces. Its primary purpose is to facilitate efficient solar energy generation, capable of meeting the daily electricity needs of households and businesses.

The Roof Tripod Solar PV System is designed to mount solar panels on roofs, including corrugated iron surfaces, to generate clean electricity for meeting daily energy needs, promoting sustainability and energy independence.

Usos clave:

  • Energy Independence: Allows property owners to generate their own electricity, reducing reliance on the grid.
  • Versatile Roof Compatibility:This product offers versatile compatibility for various residential and industrial applications.
  • Scalable Design: Can be expanded or modified to accommodate different sizes and numbers of solar panels based on energy requirements.

Ventajas notables:

  • Durability and Stability: Built with heavy-duty materials to withstand harsh environmental conditions, ensuring long-term stability and performance.
  • Facilidad de instalación: The triangular design simplifies the installation process, making it faster and more straightforward, even on complex roof structures.
  • Optimal Solar Exposure: Maximizes sunlight capture by allowing for precise panel positioning, enhancing energy yield.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: Reduces electricity bills over time and offers a favorable return on investment.

Special Consideration for Corrugated Iron Roofs:

  • Secure Attachment: The triangular system provides a secure and reliable attachment to corrugated iron surfaces, minimizing the risk of panel displacement due to wind or other external factors.
  • Resistencia a la intemperie: Designed to withstand extreme weather conditions, including heavy rain, strong winds, and intense sunlight, ensuring continuous operation and energy production.
  • Space Utilization: Efficiently uses available roof space, making it an ideal solution for properties with limited area for solar panel installation.

By incorporating elements from the provided list of 100 keywords, such as “Roof PV Mounts,” “Solar Panel Installation,” and “PV System Roof Mounts,” the metal roof solar moungting offers a comprehensive and reliable approach to harnessing solar energy on corrugated iron roofs. This integration ensures that users can achieve their daily electricity needs while contributing to environmental sustainability and energy efficiency.

Certificaciones técnicas:


Principales certificaciones y objetivos de los sistemas de montaje FV Las principales certificaciones de los sistemas de montaje FV son: IEC 61730: Garantiza las normas de seguridad y rendimiento de los módulos FV y sus sistemas de montaje. UL 1703: Cubre los requisitos de seguridad para módulos FV planos y sus soportes. Marcado CE: Indica el cumplimiento de las normas de la UE en materia de salud, seguridad y protección del medio ambiente. Certificación TUV: Valida la calidad y fiabilidad de los productos y sistemas fotovoltaicos. Estas certificaciones garantizan que los sistemas de montaje FV cumplen rigurosas normas de calidad y seguridad, proporcionando un rendimiento fiable y protección frente a posibles peligros. Son cruciales para conseguir la aceptación del mercado y la confianza del consumidor.

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