
Vertikales Boden-Pv-System

Windgeschwindigkeit: bis zu 60m/s

Snow Load Rating: 1.6kn/㎡

Neigungswinkel: 0-60°

Material: A16005-T5(Anodized) Hot-dip Galvanized Steel / Mac Steel

Warranty: 12 years


Ground Type:Concrete Base, Ground Screw, C/H Steel


The Vertical Ground PV System is a specialized solar mounting solution designed for vertical installations on the ground, particularly suitable for regions with harsh climates characterized by heavy and prolonged snowfall but relatively low wind speeds. This system offers unique uses and advantages tailored to these challenging environments:

The Vertical Ground PV System is designed for vertical installation on the ground, particularly suitable for cold regions with heavy snowfall to facilitate efficient solar energy generation while minimizing snow coverage and ensuring durability.


The primary purpose of the Vertical Ground PV System is to install solar panels vertically on the ground, making it ideal for cold climates with significant snow accumulation. This setup is particularly beneficial in areas where traditional horizontal installations may be impractical due to snow cover.


  1. Snow Shedding: Vertical orientation allows snow to slide off easily, reducing the risk of panel damage and ensuring continuous energy production.
  2. Reduced Snow Coverage: Panels mounted vertically are less likely to be covered by snow, maintaining optimal sunlight exposure.
  3. Dauerhaftigkeit: Constructed with robust materials to withstand harsh environmental conditions, including heavy snow loads.
  4. Efficient Energy Generation: Despite the challenging climate, vertical panels can still capture sunlight effectively, especially during winter months when the sun is low in the sky.
  5. Stability in Low Wind Conditions: The system is designed to provide stability in environments with minimal wind, ensuring secure panel placement.

By integrating these key features, the Vertical Ground PV System provides a reliable and efficient solution for harnessing solar energy in cold, snowy regions, demonstrating its adaptability and resilience to extreme weather conditions.


Technische Zertifizierungen:


Wichtigste Zertifizierungen und Zwecke von PV-Montagesystemen Zu den wichtigsten Zertifizierungen für PV-Montagesysteme gehören: IEC 61730: Gewährleistet Sicherheits- und Leistungsstandards für PV-Module und deren Montagesysteme. UL 1703: Deckt die Sicherheitsanforderungen für PV-Flachmodule und deren Halterungen ab. CE-Kennzeichnung: Kennzeichnet die Einhaltung der EU-Normen für Gesundheit, Sicherheit und Umweltschutz. TUV-Zertifizierung: Bestätigt die Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit von PV-Produkten und -Systemen. Diese Zertifizierungen gewährleisten, dass PV-Montagesysteme strenge Qualitäts- und Sicherheitsstandards erfüllen und zuverlässige Leistung und Schutz vor potenziellen Gefahren bieten. Sie sind entscheidend für die Marktakzeptanz und das Vertrauen der Verbraucher.

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